SEO in Denmark / Europe

The Danish SEO Guru in English

SEO in European Countries

What? SEO Services in Danish

SEO is an essential tool for enhancing your online presence, no matter which country you're targeting in the age of Google.

Our extensive knowledge of the European market, particularly the Danish/Scandinavian market, gives you a significant advantage when dealing with the world's most advanced online market.

Our vast network and unmatched local expertise create an unbeatable combination for success, backed by over 23 years of experience.


The Danish Market

Above anything else we know the Danish marketplace and Danish SEO. Wanna grab a bite of our knowledge?

Here at Concept-i, we've been pioneers in the realm of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) since the very beginning. Founded in 1999, even before the advent of Google, we've been delivering cutting-edge SEO services to Danish and other European companies of all sizes. Over the years, we've consistently maintained a high score by Dun & Bradstreet (AAA), demonstrating our stability and reliability as a partner in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Who Are We?

In 2009, we made the strategic decision to move our entire business to Florida, USA. Despite this geographical shift, we've continued to service our European clients, along with a select group of US-based clients. We pride ourselves on our unique Danish/Scandinavian approach, which sets us apart in many ways. We value close relationships with our clients, with our longest-lasting client celebrating a 17-year anniversary with us in 2018.

What Do We Offer?

At Concept-i, we offer a non-pretentious approach, straightforward communication, and a 100% flat structure that allows direct communication with your SEO expert. We are dedicated to success and strive to provide services that yield results year after year. While we may not be the cheapest option if you measure by the amount, we are second to none when it comes to results.

Our Pricing and Value

Our founder, Thomas Rosenstand, has written and published six books on SEO and Marketing (in Danish) and is a frequent keynote speaker at conferences in Europe. He is acclaimed as the leading capacity on SEO in Scandinavia. Our work continues to provide results year after year, making our seemingly higher price "cheap" in the long run.

Proof of Our Expertise

Our most popular product since its introduction in 2003 is the SEO Analysis and Report. We analyze every single aspect of your website or e-commerce site that has or might have an influence on your rankings in Google and other search engines. All tests are done manually, with no reliance on software or outsourcing. The analysis and report are prepared by Thomas Rosenstand and are separated into "NEED" and "NICE" sections. The "NEED" section includes issues that must be fixed to compete in the search engines, while the "NICE" section includes issues that would be beneficial to fix if possible.

Serving a Global Market

While the rest of our website is in Danish, we serve not only the Danish market but also most of the European markets and American companies interested in the massive European market. We take clients from all over the world, speaking English, Danish, German, and most importantly, Googlish!

We Are an Uncut Diamond

We've received much positive feedback over the years. We take our tasks seriously and are dedicated to the success of our clients. With 24 years of experience, we've matured and gained invaluable experience. We value traditional craftsmanship that leads to results and are dedicated to long-term relationships with our clients. Some of our clients have been with us without interruption since 2003. We avoid binding contracts, preferring to retain our customers through consistently good work.

In conclusion, as Concept-i, we are pioneers in the field of SEO, offering a unique blend of experience, expertise, and dedication to our clients. Our commitment to delivering results and maintaining long-term relationships with our clients sets us apart in the competitive digital landscape.

Our American Company

TCON Services, LLC | 8569 Casa Del Lago | Boca Raton, FL 33433, USA | Email: | Mastodon


Få en gratis SEO-snak - bedre end et generisk tilbud!

Start her, hvis du bare vil i top på Google! Få et opkald fra SEO ekspert Thomas Rosenstand - Det er uden forpligtelser for dig, og efter en kort samtale er Thomas klædt på til at hjælpe dig bedst! Lad fredag, 7/2 være dagen, hvor vi starter en dialog! Gider du ikke formularen? Send en e-mail til Thomas her.

Thomas startede med optimering, før Google gik i luften. Mange i Danmark kalder ham "Mr. SEO" - og han er kendt for at kalde tingene for, hvad de er.

Få en snak med Thomas - gratis

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Florida: 36 98 71 40 (dansk takst) hverdage fra 14 til 22.

Kolding: 71 74 54 00  hverdage fra 8 til 16.

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SEO-LEX 2025

Vil du lære SEO - så køb min bog, fyldt med alle mine erfaringer fra snart 26 år i branchen. Så god, at den aldrig har været gratis - og så god, at den stadig er den bedste efter hver årlig opdatering.

  • 547 sider SEO e-bog  – 120 minutters videoer
  • Kendt som "Biblen om SEO"
  • Nyeste udgave: 26. november 2024

Concept Interest er en del af Vaekst Digital A/S i Kolding

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